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Fearnside, P.M. 1996.  Amazonian deforestation and global warming: Carbon stocks in vegetation replacing Brazil's Amazon forest. Forest Ecology and Management 80(1-3): 21-34.


ISSN: 0378-1127


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                        Philip M. Fearnside

                        National Institute for Research

                            in the Amazon (INPA)

                        C.P. 478

                        69011-970 Manaus, Amazonas



                        Fax: 55 -92- 236-3822; 642-3028

                        Email: PMFEARN@CR-AM.RNP.BR






                   22 Mar. 1995

                   24 Mar. 1995

                   17 Jul. 1995

                   TABLE OF CONTENTS


ABSTRACT ..................................................... ii

INTRODUCTION .................................................  1

THE LANDSCAPE IN 1990 ........................................  3



TRAJECTORY OF CHANGE IN THE LANDSCAPE ........................ 12


CONCLUSIONS .................................................. 15

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................. 16

REFERENCES ................................................... 17

Tables ....................................................... 

Figure legends ............................................... 


Fearnside, P.M. 1995. Amazonian deforestation and global warming: carbon stocks in vegetation replacing Brazil's Amazon forest. For. Ecol. Manage.


     Carbon stocks in vegetation replacing forest in Brazilian Amazonia affect net emissions of greenhouse gases from land-use change.  A Markov matrix of annual transition probabilities was constructed to estimate landscape composition in 1990 and to project future changes, assuming behavior of farmers and ranchers remains unchanged.  The estimated 1990 landscape was 5.4% farmland, 44.8% productive pasture, 2.2% degraded pasture, 2.1% 'young' (1970 or later) secondary forest derived from agriculture, and 28.1% 'young' secondary forest derived from pasture, and 17.4% 'old' (pre-1970) secondary forest.  The landscape would eventually approach an equilibrium of 4.0% farmland, 43.8% productive pasture, 5.2% degraded pasture, 2.0% secondary forest derived from agriculture, and 44.9% secondary forest derived from pasture.  An insignificant amount is regenerated 'forest' (defined as secondary forest over 100 years old).  Average total biomass (dry matter, including below-ground and dead components) was 43.5 t ha-1 in 1990 in the 410 X 103 km2 deforested by that year for uses other than hydroelectric dams.  At equilibrium, average biomass would be 28.5 t ha-1 over all deforested areas (excluding dams).  These biomass values are more than double those forming the basis of deforestation emission estimates currently used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  Although higher replacement landscape biomass decreases net emissions from deforestation, these estimates still imply large net releases.


KEYWORDS:  Secondary forest; Secondary succession; Greenhouse effect; Pasture; Shifting cultivation; Carbon dioxide; Fallow



     Deforestation in Brazil already makes a significant contribution to the global load of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and complete or nearly complete replacement of Brazil's Amazon forest by pasture would both contribute to global warming and greatly reduce evapotranspiration in the region.  Amazonian forests originally occupied 4 X 106 km2 of the 5 X 106 km2 Legal Amazon Region that comprises 60% of Brazil (Figure 1).  The originally forested area is defined by 19 of the 28 vegetation types appearing in the Legal Amazon in Brazil's 1:5,000,000 scale vegetation map (Brazil, IBGE and IBDF, 1988; see Fearnside and Ferraz, 1995).   "Deforestation" refers to clearing of these original forests, as distinguished from clearing secondary forests and from clearing savannas such as the cerrado (central Brazilian scrubland).  Estimates of the impact of deforestation have usually assumed that all deforested land is converted to cattle pasture (the dominant land use in deforested areas in Brazilian Amazonia).  Some have even assumed that forest is replaced with bare ground.  Pasture is often assumed to remain indefinitely as replacement for forest in estimates of net GHG emissions (e.g. Fearnside, 1985a, 1987, 1991; Houghton, 1991; Myers, 1989), and in simulations of impact on the water cycle (e.g. Shukla et al., 1990) and of the less-threatening changes in surface albedo (Dickinson and Henderson-Sellers, 1988).


              (Figure 1 here)


     Detwiler and Hall (1988) assumed a replacement vegetation carbon stock of 5 t ha-1 (equivalent to approximately 11 t ha-1 of biomass) calculated by Hall et al. (1985: 317) from data on pasture by Buschbacher (1984) and on slash-and-burn agriculture by Uhl et al. (1982).  The Detwiler and Hall (1988) study, together with studies by Houghton et al. (1985, 1987, 1988) that assumed the same 5 t ha-1 replacement vegetation carbon stock, provided the basis of the value for GHG emissions from tropical deforestation adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC).  The 1.6 gigaton (Gt=109 t) C year-1 IPCC value (Watson et al., 1990, p. 17) was chosen as the midpoint of the 0.6-2.5 Gt C year-1 range calculated in these studies (Watson et al., 1990, p. 11).  This value remained unchanged in the 1992 supplementary report (Watson et al., 1992, p. 33) and 1994 IPCC report (Houghton et al., 1995, p. 18) that provide the current basis for international negotiations related to implementation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change.


     Although the results of calculations that assume that all replacement vegetation is either cattle pasture or fields under annual crops in slash-and-burn cultivation are useful in identifying potential consequences of continued deforestation, they are unrealistic as quantitative predictions of contributions to climatic changes.  The principal reason for using cattle pasture as the replacement vegetation has been the lack of more realistic scenarios for changes in the landscape after its initial conversion from forest to pasture.  Here a first approximation is made using a simple first-order Markov model of transition probabilities between land-use classes.


     Brazilian Amazonia already has a substantial area of deforested land.  In 1990 there were 415.2 X 103 km2 deforested, including 4.8 X 103 km2 flooded by hydroelectric dams.  By 1991 (the most recent year for which LANDSAT satellite data have been interpreted), the total had reached 426.4 X 103 km2 (with the hydroelectric area unchanged from the preceding year) (Fearnside, 1993).  The magnitude of the carbon stock in this area, and the way in which this stock can be expected to change over time, have important implications for the region's carbon balance and the net contribution of deforestation to global warming.




     For use in carbon calculations of different types, the nature of the vegetation replacing forest must be known at different dates.  For calculations of annual carbon balance in a given year, such as 1990, composition of the landscape in that year must be known.  Ideally, the 1990 composition of the landscape should be determined from a survey using satellite imagery, including extensive field checking to identify secondary forests of different age classes and origins.  Unfortunately, this kind of information does not exist, and the best available substitute must be used.  Here the 1990 landscape composition is calculated based on a rough approximation of the 1970 landscape, and on information regarding deforestation rates and transitions among the various land-use categories in the deforested portion of the region.


     The values for each land use in the initial year (1970) are mostly educated guesses.  The lack of finer estimates for the areas in the 1970 landscape is not a serious problem for the present calculation, as these quantities have little effect on the composition of the landscape 20 years later.  The percentages of the 1970 deforested landscape assumed for the different land-use categories (which are further subdivided by age class) were: 0% regenerated 'forest' (over 100 years old), 2.0% farmland, 10.0% productive pasture, 0% degraded pasture, 4.8% secondary forest derived from agriculture, 0.1% secondary forest derived from pasture, and 83.1% pre-1970 secondary forest.


     The fate of land that is cleared can be approximated using information on the behavior of farmers and ranchers in Amazonia today.  The consequences of continuation of the same patterns can be calculated using a Markov matrix of transition probabilities between land-use categories.  Such an analysis carries with it the assumption that the transition probabilities remain unaltered over time--something for which there is no guarantee in practice.  However, in most agricultural systems the tendency of increased population pressure and increased use intensity over time has been to shorten periods in secondary forest, with resulting lower average biomass for the landscape (e.g. UNESCO/UNEP/FAO, 1978; Vermeer, 1970).  The assumption of constant transition probabilities therefore is conservative from the point of view of GHG emissions.


     The 'typical behavior' in the region (a mix of small farmers and ranchers) can be described as follows.  Annual crops are usually cultivated for only two years in a cropping cycle.  Of the areas cleared from forest, about 20% are planted to annual crops and 80% directly to pasture (assumed to be 10% and 90%, respectively, for ranchers).  Of farmland reaching the end of a cropping period, about 20% is allowed to revert to secondary forest and 80% is planted to pasture (assumed to be 10% and 90%, respectively, for ranchers).  The average time that six secondary forest sites in the Transamazon Highway colonization area had been used as pasture prior to reverting to woody vegetation was 8.8 years (Guimarães, 1993, p. 17).  The time of 'abandonment' of a pasture is defined as the time of the last burn rather than the time the last head of cattle is removed.  The mean age of secondary forest from pasture at the time of clearing refers only to secondary forest over three years old at the time of clearing, as cutting of those three or less years old is considered as part of pasture maintenance.  About 90% of abandoned pastureland becomes woody secondary forest, the remaining 10% becoming unproductive grassland (assumed only to apply to ranchers); this is admittedly a guess, but reflects the impression that deflection to degraded pasture occurs in a small (but still important) fraction of cases.  Woody secondary forest stands (capoeira) from abandoned pastures are cleared after an average of 5.2 years, considering only the six cases with secondary forests over three years of age in the study done in 1991 on the Transamazon Highway (Guimarães, 1993, p. 17).


     Abandonment of agricultural land to fallow is defined by the harvest of the last annual crop.  Secondary forest stands are not left for the 20- to 30-year fallow periods that characterize traditional shifting cultivation (see Fearnside, 1985b).  During the first six years of settlement on the Transamazon Highway (1970-1976), colonists near Altamira cleared secondary forests two years old or less with such high frequency that fallows of the average length assumed here would be a rarity had the farmers' behavior remained unchanged (Fearnside, 1984, 1986).


     'Reclaiming' degraded grasslands to reform pastures takes place in about 10% of an area over a period of approximately 15 years, based on land-use histories surveyed by Uhl et al. (1988) in Paragominas: this corresponds to an annual probability of 0.007.  A degraded grassland is assumed to take an average of 13 years to be transformed into secondary forest.  The combination of pasture recovery and reversion to secondary forest implies a mean residence time in the 'degraded pasture' category of about 14 years.  After 100 years, a secondary forest is considered mature forest again (from the point of view of biomass).  This is conservative, given that very old secondary forest in Venezuela that did not start as degraded pasture is estimated to take 140 to 200 years to recover the biomass stock of primary forest (Saldarriaga et al., 1986, p. 122).


     An earlier calculation used the above observations (with the exception of those from Guimarães, 1993) to generate an equilibrium landscape and estimate its carbon stock and uptake (Fearnside, 1992).  The number of land-use categories has been increased in the present study, age structure has been added, and several values used for transition probabilities have been changed to reflect new information on land use in the region (in general indicating greater areas of secondary forest than previously thought).


     Two recent studies of satellite imagery provide a means of estimating transition probabilities between secondary forest, farmland and pasture in small-farmer settlement areas.  The first is a study of LANDSAT‑TM imagery for 1985 and 1991 for the area of Altamira, Pará (Moran, 1993; Moran et al., 1994).  The second is a study of SPOT imagery from a 6420 km2 area in Rondônia (Skole et al., 1994).  Probabilities calculated from these results are summarized in Table 1.


              (Table 1 here)


     Projecting the landscape in the region as a whole requires weighted averages of probabilities for small farmers and ranchers.  Small farmers (defined as having up to 100 ha of land) accounted for 30.5% of the deforestation activity in the Brazilian Legal Amazon as a whole in 1990, while ranchers accounted for 69.5% (Fearnside, 1993).  Unfortunately, less information is available on the behavior of cattle ranchers than small farmers.


     For small farmers, the probabilities from each of two 'eastern' Altamira data sets (Moran et al., 1994), denominated 'km 23' and 'km 46,' were calculated using a phased sequence of iterative adjustments, as explained below.  Probabilities of cutting secondary forest (for use as either farmland or pasture) were fitted at the highest level of generality, with transitions between only two states: active use and secondary forest.  Annual probabilities were selected that minimize the difference between the predicted and observed landscape composition at the end of the observation interval.  Constrained by these results, probabilities were then fitted at the next higher level of detail, with separate categories for farmland and pasture.  This was done by first fitting the proportion of the secondary-forest-to-active-use transitions that went to farmland, followed by fitting the probabilities of transition from farmland to secondary forest, pasture to secondary forest, and pasture to farmland.  Additional probabilities from Rondônia (Skole et al., 1994) were averaged with the 'eastern' Altamira values to produce a mean for small farmers (see Table 1).


     For ranchers, appropriate data are lacking for the approach outlined above for the small farmer case.  One data set that might be partially applicable is an area studied by Moran et al. (1994) in 'western' Altamira that includes some ranchers (along with small farmers).  However, when probabilities were calculated from this data set using the procedure outlined above, the results were so at odds with more general information about land use patterns in the region that it was judged more reliable to use the 'typical behavior' of ranchers described earlier as the basis for long-term projections.  The 1985-1991 'western' Altamira data imply an average 'active use' period of only 1.3 years--not a viable pattern for a ranching system.  The 8.8-year average period of pasture use found by Guimarães (1993, p. 17) among colonists 50 km west of Altamira appears more representative.  The transition probability values used for ranchers, together with their sources, are included in Table 2.


                   (Table 2 here)


     The probabilities obtained from the procedures described above imply that secondary forests derived from agriculture and from pasture in the region as a whole (including both small farmers and ranchers, but excluding pre-1970 secondary forest) are cleared after average fallows of 5.2 and 6.2 years, respectively; these values are higher than the value of 4 years used previously (Fearnside, 1992).




     Annual probabilities of each transition can be organized into a matrix, with initial states as rows and ending states as columns.  Annual probabilities of transition and mean residence times in different land-use categories (states) are shown in Table 3.  Annual probabilities used in the regional calculation are weighted for small farmers (30.5% of clearing) and ranchers (69.5% of clearing).  Annual probabilities of transition for the regional calculation are summarized in Figure 2 for land that is deforested (modified from Fearnside, 1989a).  This applies to land that was once original forest that had been cleared by 1990 (410.4 X 103 km2, excluding hydroelectric dams).


              (Table 3 and Figure 2 here)


     The matrix for the regional calculation (Table 3) is transposed and multiplied by a column vector representing the initial area (in hectares) of each land use, plus the deforested area in the following year placed in the 'forest' category.  The vector resulting from multiplication of these represents the land use the following year.  The deforestation in the following year is then added to the vector (in the 'forest' position), which can then be allocated appropriately when the succeeding year's land uses are calculated.




     Exponentiation of the matrix of annual transition probabilities (Table 4) yields a vector representing the proportion of land in each category after establishment of equilibrium (Jeffers, 1978, pp. 92-97).  Performing these calculations indicates that the equilibrium landscape would contain 0.0% regenerated forest, 4.0% farmland, 43.8% productive pasture, 5.2% degraded pasture, 2.0% secondary forest derived from agriculture, and 44.9% secondary forest derived from pasture (Table 4).


              (Table 4 here)


     The above calculations only refer to land that is cleared for agriculture and ranching.  Hydroelectric development also removes forest land.  All of the hydroelectric dams planned in Amazonia would total 100,000 km2 (Brazil, ELETROBRÁS, 1987, p. 150).  This would represent 2% of the Brazil's 5 X 106 km2 Legal Amazon region.  Virtually all planned hydroelectric dams are in the forested portion of the region, of which they would represent approximately 2.5 to 2.9%.




     Estimates of the old (pre-1970) secondary forests are critical to carbon stocks in the deforested landscape.  The old secondary forest (capoeirão) in Pará and Maranhão totals almost 100,000 km2, or about one-fourth of the 1990 deforested landscape.  As these stands are cut, the average carbon stock in the deforested landscape will decline.  The rate of uptake by the landscape will also increase as younger, more vigorously growing, vegetation replaces the old secondary forests (Fearnside and Guimarães, 1995).  The rate at which the old secondary forests are cut is estimated in Table 5.


              (Table 5 here)


     The calculated areas and percentages of the landscape in each land-use category are given in Table 6 for 1989, 1990 and 1991, and projected to 2090.  Hydroelectric dams, which flooded 5 X 103 km2 by 1991, could expand substantially (not included in the projection).


              (Table 6 here)


     The projected changes in the 13.8 X 103 km2 cleared in 1990 are shown in Figure 3.  The changes in the entire deforested landscape (422 X 103 km2 in 1991, exclusive of dams, growing at a rate of 11.1 X 103 km2 year-1) are projected in Figure 4.


              (Figures 3 and 4 here)




     The carbon stock in each land use at equilibrium or at any given time depends not only on the area present but also on the average age of the vegetation and the growth rate that has prevailed.  As the 1990 landscape and the projections of future changes indicate, pasture and secondary forest derived from pasture dominate the landscape.  The growth rate of secondary forest derived from pasture is slower than that in secondary forest derived from agriculture (Fearnside and Guimarães, 1995).


     Using the growth rates of land in each age class in each of the land-use categories (Fearnside and Guimarães, 1995), one can calculate the biomass present at each year as the landscape approaches equilibrium.  The changes over time in the carbon stock in land in each land-use category are shown in Figure 5.  The changes for a given cohort of land, such as the 13.8 X 103 km2 cleared in 1990, are shown in Figure 6.  Carbon content of replacement vegetation is assumed to be 45% of dry matter, a value in good agreement with measurements in secondary forest (Guimarães, 1993).  Carbon content in secondary forests is lower than the 50% content in primary forests (Fearnside et al., 1993).  The changes in carbon stock in the entire deforested landscape are shown in Figure 7.


              (Figures 5, 6 and 7 here)


     The average total biomass (dry matter, including below-ground and dead components) of the landscape that had been deforested through 1990 is estimated to have been 43.5 t ha-1 in that year, or 19.6 t ha-1 of carbon.  If land-use behavior patterns prevailing in the region at present remain unchanged until the landscape approaches equilibrium, average biomass will approach a value of 28.5 t ha-1 (12.8 t C ha-1).  The decrease of about 35% in carbon stock from 1990 to the equilibrium condition is largely due to removal of high-biomass 'old' (pre-1970) secondary forests.  The effect of removing old secondary forests is partially offset by expansion of secondary forests derived from cattle pasture.  The carbon stock in the 1990 landscape is about four times the 5 t ha-1 assumed in global carbon calculations used by the IPCC, and the equilibrium stock is more than double the IPCC value.  While a higher carbon stock in the replacement landscape tends to decrease the net emission of greenhouse gases from deforestation, the impact is still tremendous.  The equilibrium replacement landscape has a biomass only 6% as high as the average biomass of the original forest in the region.


     Grouping land uses into only six categories (regenerated forest, farmland, productive pasture, degraded pasture, secondary forest derived from agriculture, and secondary forest derived from pasture) represents a simplification of the successional path following clearing (see Fearnside, 1990a,b), but is valuable as a first approximation.  Among the factors that could alter the successional course projected here is the possibility that changes in the region's rainfall regime as a result of deforestation could worsen the replacement vegetation scenario from the carbon storage point of view by favoring savannaization (Fearnside, 1985c, 1989c; Shukla et al., 1990).




     The biomass and carbon stock in the landscape that replaces Brazil's Amazonian forest after deforestation can be expected to decrease by about 35% from their 1990 levels as the land uses in the region approach an equilibrium composition implied by the current behavior patterns of farmers and ranchers.  The biomass of the equilibrium replacement landscape is four times higher than has been assumed in global carbon calculations, a finding which reduces the net emission of greenhouse gases from deforestation.  However, the equilibrium replacement landscape has a biomass only 6% as high as original forest, implying that a heavy impact on global warming is caused by each hectare of deforestation.




     I thank the Pew Scholars Program in Conservation and the Environment and by the Fundação Banco do Brasil (Grant 10/1516-2) for financial support.  S.V. Wilson and two annonymous reviewers made useful comments on the manuscript.  This work has benefited from the stimulation of the F-7 group coordinated by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory with support from the Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.



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Figure legends


Figure 1: Brazil's Legal Amazon Region.


Figure 2:Annual probabilities of transition for equilibrium calculation.


Figure 3:Projected percentage of land uses in area deforested in 1990 (cohort of 13.8 X 103 km2).


Figure 4:Projected percentages of land uses in deforested area (all deforested land, independent of when first cleared).


Figure 5:Carbon stock in different land uses (above- and below-ground).


Figure 6:Projected carbon storage for land deforested in 1990.  Changes result from land-use transformations among categories in the 13.8 X 103 km2 area cleared in 1990.


Figure 7:Effect of changes in the landscape on carbon storage.  Changes are in all areas cleared from original forest, irrespective of the year of clearing.  Results exclude hydroelectric dams.



Initial   Final                    Site                                                           Notes

state     state   ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑--

                 Rondonia Rondonia Eastern  Eastern    Mean

                 1986‑88  1988‑89  Altamira Altamira (Rondonia

                 (a)      (a)      km 23    km 46    & eastern

                                   1985‑91  1985‑91  Altamira)

                                   (b)      (b)


Farmland   Productive               0.565   0.455    0.510      (c)



Productive Secondary  0.11  0.22     0.371   0.242    0.236   (d)

pasture    forest


Farmland   Secondary  0.11  0.22     0.287   0.000    0.154



Secondary  Farmland        0.237    0.136   0.061    0.168   (e)


from farmland


Secondary  Productive      0        0.013   0.088    0.025   (e)

forest     pasture

from farmland


Secondary  Farmland        0.237    0.136   0.061    0.168   (e)


from pasture


Secondary  Productive      0        0.013   0.088    0.025   (e)

forest     pasture

from pasture



(a) Skole et al., 1994.

(b) Calculated from data in Moran et al., 1994.

(c) Farmland is 'crops;' all 'bare' land is considered to be pasture as Moran et al. (1994) state that much bare land was actually very dry pasture.

(d) Secondary succession includes degraded pasture.

(e) Rondonia 1988‑89 probability is calculated assuming all secondary forests that are cut are converted to farmland.





Transition                  Average  Source   Fraction  Source

‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑    age at           of transi‑

Initial      Subsequent    time of          tions

state        state         transition       entering

                            (years)          this




Regenerated  Farmland         0       (a)       0.1     (a)



Regenerated  Productive       0       (a)       0.9     (a)

forest       pasture


Farmland     Productive       2.0     (c)       0.9     (d)



Farmland     Secondary forest 2.0     (c)       0.1     (d)

             from farmland


Productive   Degraded         8.8     (f)       0.1     (d)

pasture      pasture


Productive   Secondary forest 8.8     (g)       0.9     (d)

pasture      from pasture


Degraded     Productive      13       (h)       0.1     (d)

pasture      pasture


Degraded     Secondary forest 13       (k)       0.9     (d)

pasture      from pasture


Secondary    Farmland         5.2     (g)       0.1     (d)

forest from



Secondary    Productive       5.2     (g)       0.9     (d)

forest from  pasture



Secondary    Regenerated    100       (m)      ‑-

forest from  forest



Secondary    Farmland         6.7     (o)       0.1     (d)

forest from



Secondary    Productive       6.7     (o)       0.9     (d)

forest from  pasture



Secondary    Regenerated    100       (m)      ‑‑

forest from  forest



(a) This analysis only treats the fate of the already deforested landscape, not the process of initial deforestation.  Regenerated forest can be thought of as immediately reallocated to farmland and productive pasture, along with other newly deforested land.

(b) Calculated as the product of the annual probability of transfer out of the initial state times the fraction of transfers entering this land-use category.

(c) General observation (see text).

(d) Educated guess.

(e) Calculated as P = 1/t, where P = annual probability of transition out of the initial state; t = average age at time of transition.

(f) Assumed same as productive pasture to secondary forest from pasture transition probability.

(g) Guimarães, 1993, p. 17.

(h) Calculated for t = 50 years with area of resource limited by transfer to other land use.  Average age is 7 years at t = 15 years.  If unlimited by time or resources, average age = 1/0.007 = 143 years.

(i) Sum of the probabilities of transfers to other land uses.

(j) Calculated as P = 1‑(1‑C)1/d where P = the annual probability of transfer, C = the fraction of the original land use that has undergone the transfer, d = the average time elapsed over which the land use has been subject to the transfer (years); C = 0.1, d = 15 years (Uhl et al., 1988).

(k) Calculated for t = 50 years with area of resource limited by transfer to other land use.  Average age is 7 years at t = 15 years.  If time and resource are infinite, average age = (1‑0.9)/0.007 = 14 years.

(l) P = 1/e where P = annual probability of transition from initial to subsequent state; e = average time elapsed over which the land has been subject to the transition (e = 15 years: Uhl et al., 1988).

(m) By definition (see text).

(n) Calculated as (1‑B)t, where B = the annual probability of transfer out of the initial state and t = the average age at time of transfer.

(o) t = 1/P where t = average age at transition; P = annual probability of transition out of the initial state.

(p) Calculated from eastern Altamira data sets of Moran et al., 1994 (see Table 1).





Annual       Source    Annual        Source

probability           probability

of transition         of transition

out of the            from initial

initial state         to subsequent




1.000       (a)       0.100          (b)



1.000       (a)       0.900          (b)



0.500       (e)       0.450          (b)



0.500       (e)       0.050          (b)



0.113       (e)       0.011          (b)



0.113       (e)       0.102          (b)



0.074       (i)       0.007          (j)



0.074       (i)       0.067          (l)



0.192       (e)       0.019          (b)




0.192       (e)       0.173          (b)




0.192       (i)       0.000000001    (n)




0.149       (p)       0.015          (b)




0.149       (p)       0.134          (b)





0.149       (i)       0.0000001      (n)







                     Regenerated  Farmland  Productive    Degraded

                     forest                pasture     pasture




Regenerated forest   0            0.910     0.090       0

Farmland             0            0.336     0.510       0

Productive pasture   0            0         0.764       0

Degraded pasture     0            0         0.007       0.926

Secondary forest     0.0000000005 0.168     0.025       0

from farmland

Secondary forest     0.00000001   0.168     0.025       0

from pasture





Regenerated forest   0            0.100     0.900       0

Farmland             0            0.500     0.450       0

Productive pasture   0            0         0.887       0.011

Degraded pasture     0            0         0.007       0.926

Secondary forest     0.000000001  0.019     0.173       0

from farmland

Secondary forest     0.0000001    0.015     0.134       0

from pasture



C.) REGIONAL CALCULATION (Weighted average small farmers and ranchers)


Regenerated forest   0            0.347     0.653       0

Farmland             0            0.450     0.468       0

Productive pasture   0            0         0.849       0.008

Degraded pasture     0            0         0.007       0.926

Secondary forest     0.000000001  0.065     0.128       0

from farmland

Secondary forest     0.0000001    0.061     0.101       0

from pasture






Secondary  Secondary  Residence

forest     forest     time

from       from       (years)

farmland   pasture



0         0          1.0

  0.154     0          1.5

0         0.236      4.2

0         0.067     13.6

0.807     0          5.2


0         0.807      5.2






0         0          1.0

  0.050     0          2.0

0         0.102      8.8

0         0.067     13.6

0.808     0          5.2


0         0.851      6.7







  0         0          1.0

  0.082     0          1.8

0         0.143      6.6

0         0.067     13.6

0.807     0          5.2


0         0.838      6.2





Category               Equilibrium  Biomass  Residence  Biomass

                       proportion   (t ha-1   time       source

                                    total)   (years)


Forest                 0.000      463.6        0.0        (a)

Farmland               0.040        0.7        0.9        (b)

Productive pasture     0.438       10.7        4.2        (c)

Degraded pasture       0.052        8.0        9.1        (d)

Secondary forest       0.020       35.6        3.2        (d)

from agriculture

Secondary forest       0.449       50.5        3.9        (d)

from pasture

Weighted mean:                     28.5


(a) Secondary forest is assumed to be equivalent to original forest from the standpoint of biomass after 100 years.  Saldarriaga et al. (1986, p. 96) calculated recovery in 144‑189 years in Venezuela.  Original forest biomass from Fearnside (in prep.).

(b) Guess: above‑ground biomass=0.5 t ha-1; root/shoot ratio=0.3.

(c) Fearnside et al., in prep-b; see Fearnside, 1989b.

(d) Calculated from the residence time and growth rate (Fearnside and Guimarães, 1995).




                                        Area of    Percent

                                        pre‑1970   of

State     Area of pre‑1970               secondary  pre‑1970

          secondary forest (km2)         forest     secondary

          ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑--  cleared    forest

          Present   Cleared   Present     per        area

          in        by        in          year       cleared

          1988 (a)  1988 (b)  1970 (c)    (km2)      per year



Pará     39,819    10,369     50,188        576        1.15


Maranhão 57,824     2,459     60,283        137        0.23


Total    97,643    12,828    110,471        713        0.65



(a) Fearnside et al., in prep‑a.

(b) Fearnside, 1990a, p. 219.

(c) The year before which secondary forests are considered "old deforestation" is reported variously by the INPE team working with the images as 1960 and 1970.  In truth, both are guesses.  Here 1970 is assumed to be the date, as the clearing prior to this would have been much slower than that after this date.



Land use             Area (103 km2)   Percent of deforested area

                     ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑---------------

                     1989   1990   1991    1989   1990   1991

‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑---------------


Regenerated forest   0      0      0       0.0     0.0     0.0


Farmland            23     22     21       5.8     5.4     5.1


Productive pasture 179    184    187      45.1    44.8    44.4


Degraded pasture     8      8      8       2.1     2.2     2.3


Secondary forest     8      8      8       2.1     2.1     2.1

from farmland


Secondary forest   107    115    123      26.9    28.1    29.3

from pasture


Pre‑1970 secondary 72     71     71      18.1    17.4    16.8




Terrestrial total  397    410    422     100.0   100.0   100.0

‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑--------------


Hydroelectric dams   4.8    4.8    4.8




Total all uses     401    415    426







2050    2090



  0.0     0.0


  5.4     5.2


47.2    46.8


  4.0     4.4


  2.2     2.2



39.2    40.5



  2.0     0.9




100.0   100.0


Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7