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Fearnside, P.M., W.F. Laurance. 2001. Author response to P. Frumhoff and B. Stanley. Science dEbates 31 May 2001
ISSN: 0036-8075
Copyright: American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
The original publication is available at
7 March 2001
Letters to the Editor
Science Magazine
1200 New York Avenue NW
Washington DC 20005 USA
Offsets and Amazonian Deforestation
Dear Editor,
Frumhoff and Stanley raise
several relevant issues. Clearly, the
multitude of issues surrounding carbon offsets under the Kyoto Protocol (1)
could not be explained fully in our Policy Forum (2), which focused on
the future environmental impacts of planned Amazonian infrastructure. How and if avoided deforestation will be
included in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), defined in Article 12 of the
Kyoto Protocol, is still under negotiation, with major decisions expected in
July 2001. The way in which baseline
deforestation rates would be defined remains an open question, with important
implications both for the amount of credit obtainable and for the potential for
perverse incentives (3).
Requirements regarding certainty (4), permanence (the time over
which carbon would be kept out of the atmosphere) (5), and various
forms of leakage (effects of the project, such as displaced population or
deforestation activity, outside of the project’s physical or conceptual
boundaries, often leading to negation of the intended mitigation results) (6) are key
In the Brazilian context,
the suggestion by Frumhoff and Stanley that only historical deforestation rates
should be allowed as a baseline implies that credit should be given to protect
forest remnants in areas of Brazil that had already experienced heavy
deforestation by 1990, whereas avoiding the opening of new frontiers should not
gain credit. As our paper illustrates,
however, it is vital to find ways to credit avoided deforestation in new
frontiers as well. What makes Avança
Brasil so damaging—and such a potentially important source of additional carbon
emissions—is precisely that it would open vast tracts of virgin forest to
deforestation, logging, and fire. The
likely cost of failing to give credit for avoiding these impacts would be the
transformation of our computer-generated scenarios into reality. Clearly the stakes are high.
Notably, the CDM is not the
only means by which Brazil might obtain credit for avoiding deforestation. Were Brazil to join Annex B of the Protocol,
the country's massive carbon emissions from deforestation in 1990 (7)
guarantee that such emissions would be included in Brazil's assigned amount
(under Article 3.7 of the Protocol).
Thus, any reduction in future emissions below 1990 levels could be used
for emissions trading (8, 9).
Unlike Article 12, however, the eligibility of forests for these credits
does not require further negotiation. By
increasing deforestation, Avança Brasil would create a substantial opportunity
cost by rendering such reductions inviable.
We disagree with Frumhoff
and Stanley’s suggestion that pointing out the very high potential financial
and carbon value of avoided deforestation might play into the hands of private
organizations and governments currently intent on barring credit for avoided
deforestation under the CDM (e.g. 10).
While we sympathize with the view of these organizations that the U.S.
should be strongly pressured to reduce its burgeoning emissions from fossil
fuels, we believe that carbon credits offer a potentially critical tool to help
protect tropical forests—the rapid destruction of which is a massive source of
emissions. Any realistic strategy to
reduce global carbon emissions must incorporate viable and aggressive measures
to slow tropical deforestation in addition to reductions in fossil fuel
We strongly believe that
the carbon benefits of reducing deforestation should be included among projects
eligible for crediting under the CDM.
This is a widespread view among those concerned with environmental problems
in Brazil (11). The Union of
Concerned Scientists (UCS) has played a valuable role in pressing for
recognition of the carbon value of forests and for strong controls under the
CDM to assure that carbon benefits are real and that perverse incentives are
avoided. We are both signatories of the
UCS “Scientists' Statement” supporting these controls (12).
Philip M. Fearnside1,
William F. Laurance2
1National Institute for
Amazonian Research (INPA), C.P. 478, Manaus, AM 69011-970, Brazil. Email:
2Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Panamá, and Biological Dynamics of
Forest Fragments Project, INPA, C.P. 478, Manaus, AM 69011-970, Brazil. Email:
References and Notes
1. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, Doc. FCCC/CP/1997;7/Add1
2. W. F. Laurance et al. Science 291,
438 (2001).
3. R. T. Watson et al., Eds., IPCC
Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (Cambridge Univ.
Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000).
4. P. M. Fearnside, Biomass and Bioenergy
18, 457 (2000).
5. P. M. Fearnside, D. A. Lashof, P.
Moura-Costa, Mitig. Adapt. Strat. Global Change 5, 239 (2000).
6. P. M Fearnside, Biomass and Bioenergy 16,
171 (1999).
7. P. M. Fearnside, in Global Climate Change
and Tropical Ecosystems, R. Lal, J. M. Kimble, B. A. Stewart, Eds. (CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2000), pp. 231-249.
8. P. M. Fearnside, in Global Climate Change:
Science, Policy, and Mitigation/ Adaptation Strategies. J. D. Kinsman, C.
V. Mathai, M. Baer, E. Holt, M. Trexler, Eds. (Air & Waste Mgmt. Assoc.,
Sewickley, Penn., 1999), pp. 634-646.
9. P. M. Fearnside, Ciência
Hoje 26(155), 41 (1999).
10. Greenpeace International, Should Forests
and Other Land-Use Change Activities be in the CDM? (Greenpeace
International, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2000).
“Manifestaçao da sociedade civil brasileira
sobre as relações entre florestas e mudanças climáticas e as expectativas para
a COP-6, Belém, 24 de outubro de 2000.”
12. “Scientists Call for
Action on Forest Conservation in the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development