Interview Preserving The Amazon Rainforest... Step One: Defeat
Fatalism. InfoBrazil
interviews Dr. Philip
December, 2003
Dr. Philip M. Fearnside, an
ecologist, is a Research Professor in the Department of
Ecology at INPA – the National Institute for Research in the
Amazon, based in Manaus, a city in the heart of the Brazilian
Amazon region. Before joining INPA in 1978, he lived for two
years in a village on Brazil's Transamazon Highway conducting
research for his Ph.D. dissertation on human carrying
capacity. He maintains interests in various other parts
of the world, especially Indonesia, China and India, where two
years in a village on the edge of the Thar Desert gave him a
long-term interest in climate change. In the Amazon, he has
studied the impacts and prospects of different modes of
development, including agriculture, ranching, silviculture,
extractivism, forest management and hydroelectric dams. He has
a special interest in the process and impacts of
deforestation, and since 1983 has devoted a substantial amount
of his time to improving estimates of greenhouse gas emissions
from Amazonia. His research indicates that Amazonian
deforestation makes a significant contribution to the
atmosphere's load of greenhouse gases, while his studies of
deforestation's causes identify the policy changes most likely
to be effective in reducing these impacts. Since 1992 he has
been promoting environmental services as a new development
paradigm for Amazonia. He has authored over 300 scientific
publications, including four books, and serves on the
editorial boards of six journals. Among numerous accolades and
honours he has received are Brazil's National Ecology Prize
and the United Nation’s Global 500 award. He was elected to
Brazil’s National Academy of Sciences and has been identified
by Brazil’s CNPq – the National Council on Scientific and
Technological Research, as Amazonia’s most highly cited
scientist. He served eight years in the International Advisory
Group (IAG) of the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian
Rainforest (PP-G7). Since the inception of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) he has
participated in numerous IPCC reports. Likewise, he has long
contributed to groups debating climate issues in government,
UN, NGO and academic contexts. He first began speaking
publicly on global warming in 1968 as a ranger naturalist in
the U.S. National Park Service. He holds a BA in Biology from
Colorado College (1969), an MS in Zoology (1973) and a Ph.D.
in Biological Sciences (1978), both from the University of
At any given
time, a search using “Amazon Rainforest” as keywords will
provide numerous insights, snapshots, descriptions and
opinions – moments in time in the running history of the
mighty forest, as it appears to head relentlessly toward a
future that makes most observers cringe in despair.
Destruction, oblivion, perhaps inevitability, are words that
certainly come to mind.
But reaching a
premature conclusion that the end of the rainforest is
inescapable is the biggest mistake anyone could make,
according to one of the most quoted, recognized and
knowledgeable specialists in matters involving Amazonia. It’s
what Dr. Philip Fearnside describes as uncalled for
“fatalism”, and it is to be avoided because as he puts it,
“what happens to the forest is very much a matter of human
According to
this American ecologist who has studied the Amazon for nearly
three decades as a staff member at INPA – The National
Institute for Amazon Research based in Manaus – it is just
plain wrong to assume, as so many often do, that no matter
what anyone does the Amazon as we know it will surely be wiped
out. And he’s well aware of the facts and figures that lead
people to believe the end is somehow near.
The fact is that
the vast Amazon Rainforest, which covers an area larger than
all of Europe and produces one-fifth of the world’s oxygen, is
shrinking at an accelerated rate. An estimated 25-thousand
square kilometers disappeared in 2002, or an area about the
size of Belgium. And there’s every indication that at least
that much will be lost again – if not more – when final
numbers are tallied up at the end of 2003.
Indeed, hearing
that destruction of the Amazon can still be reversed may sound
rather utopian to the average onlooker who reads what he comes
up with after that simple search we mentioned above. The
threats to the Amazon rainforest are numerous, serious, and
they appear to be mounting – expanding not just because of
human greed and a severely inept and insufficient Brazilian
government presence, but also because of new climate
challenges and global market demands. Technology is also a
factor, as it permits greater “efficiency” in the clearing
Delving into the
Amazon jungle as a topic these days will yield everything from
age-old slash-and-burn land clearing for subsistence farming
purposes and illegal logging, to huge high-tech soybean
plantations advancing on virgin forest. Rules and restrictions
are generally thrown out the window, and there are never
enough inspectors to enforce them in the first place. And when
there are, corruption takes over and the free for all
In the past,
gold prospectors were blamed for polluting jungle rivers with
the mercury they use to separate gold pellets from silt, but
now we find – and Dr. Fearnside explains this in detail – that
building dams can be an even more dangerous ingredient in the
Amazon’s mercury problem. That bit of information only adds to
existing concerns, because Brazil’s current federal
administration is bound and determined to pursue increased
development in the Amazon region. Its plans include several
major projects in the rainforest, including, yes, new dams and
highways soon to be paved.
Still, Prof.
Fearnside believes the Amazon is not doomed. We caught up with
him in Manaus, and he agreed to try and put today’s threatened
Amazon Rainforest into perspective for’s global
audience. Questions were prepared by InfoBrazil editor and
founder Adhemar Altieri, and answered by e-mail. We thank
Prof. Fearnside for taking the time to examine so many
different, but intertwined Amazon-related topics and
InfoBrazil: Watching the Amazon
Rainforest from a distance, and attempting to determine its
fate and status based on what is written about it, is no easy
task – information is often conflicting, varying from the edge
of disaster to more positive outlooks. Based on your extensive
work in the region, spanning close to three decades, what is
your assessment of the rainforest today?
Dr. Philip Fearnside: Grave threats
exist and must be faced. These include deforestation by a
variety of actors – logging, forest fires and, in the
not-too-far future, potential for substantial forest mortality
from climate change. Although there are also positive
developments in legislation and environmental institutions,
these advances are invariably slower than the escalation of
threats. The important thing is to avoid fatalism. Many
people react to Amazonian problems by throwing in the towel.
They presume that the Amazon forest will be destroyed no
matter what they do so they may as well worry about something
else. But what happens to the forest is very much a matter of
human decisions, including both those affecting the direct
destruction with chainsaws and the indirect threats such as
climate change. Fatalism is the most dangerous enemy of the
IB: The media in Brazil and around
the world have given great exposure to the annual “queimadas”
– fires set by farmers to clear land in the Amazon region.
Satellite images provide a graphic illustration of the
rainforest being destroyed, and year after year the problem
only seems to get worse. What prevents authorities from
putting a stop to this, or at least imposing stricter
Dr. Fearnside: Controlling
deforestation is possible if authorities put a priority on
doing so. However, implementing effective controls has a high
cost to government officials in terms of money and especially
in terms of votes. At the same time there are no short-term
rewards to decision makers for successfully controlling
deforestation. Conflicts of interests are also common, with
politicians and their families often being major landowners in
Amazonia. An important demonstration of the capacity of
government decisions to reduce deforestation was provided by a
licensing and control program in the state of Mato Grosso from
1999 to 2001; clearing trends both at the state and at the
county level indicate that the program was having a
significant effect. However, in 2003 Brazil’s largest soybean
entrepreneur became the new state governor, and the program
has been effectively shelved. Nevertheless, the simple
demonstration of government capacity to control clearing is
very important, as a basic lack of confidence in the ability
of government to achieve results in practice is at the root of
the low priority deforestation control has received, including
the reluctance to even have an option created to receive
compensation for reducing deforestation (for example under the
Kyoto Protocol).
IB: You’ve spoken in the past
about the possible negative effects of Global Warming and the
El Niño phenomenon on the Amazon. Are these negative effects
visible today, and what could be done to prevent them?
Dr. Fearnside: The effects of El Niño
are obvious, both in the form of tree mortality and in
widespread surface fires in standing forest, for example
during the 1997-1998 event. Although El Niño is a
natural phenomenon that existed before significant human
impacts on the atmosphere, the frequency of El Niños has
increased significantly since 1976 according to IPCC – the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Agreement on the
causes of this increase has not yet been reached – at least
formally under the aegis of the IPCC, but a number of studies
have indicated that it is a result of warming of the oceans
caused by global warming. Assuming this is true, we can expect
the frequency and severity of these events to increase in the
future. The impact of El Niño on the forest depends not only
on the El Niño itself, which causes drought conditions in
Amazonia, but also on the human impacts that increase the
likelihood that the forest will catch fire. Dead trees caused
by logging damage, by the effects of edge formation around
clearings, and by the effects of past surface fires make the
forest much more flammable when an El Niño strikes. The
continual increase in the number and geographical spread of
people lighting fires also increases the likelihood of fires
during these years. Widespread surface fires represent a
significant force in destroying Amazonian forests that didn’t
exist just a few decades ago when I began work in the
IB: And the effects of Global
Dr. Fearnside: The effects of global
warming are more subtle so far than El Niño’s, because
temperatures have only begun to rise. However, the projected
increases over the coming decades could result in major
dieback in Brazil’s Amazonian forests. Simulations by
the Hadley Centre of the U.K. Meteorological Office indicate
global warming alone causing much of the forest to begin dying
back by the year 2080, assuming that global emissions continue
to increase without mitigation. This catastrophe could be
averted if agreement is reached to stabilize atmospheric
carbon-dioxide levels at 550 parts per million by volume
(ppmv) or less. The Climate Convention calls for stabilizing
the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at levels
that avoid “dangerous interference with the climate system”,
but agreement has yet to be negotiated on what is defined as
“dangerous”. This is expected to be negotiated in 2005.
From an Amazonian perspective, anything over 550 ppmv is
definitely “dangerous.”
IB: A few years ago, a major
concern in the Amazon was the threat to rivers, caused by gold
prospectors using mercury to separate gold pellets from silt.
It seems that mercury is now off the agenda, and everyone has
moved on to other things. How bad a problem is mercury
pollution these days? Are its effects more visible now than
Dr. Fearnside: Mercury is still a
problem, but not in the same way as when it was in the news.
The price of gold is low compared to the late 1980s, so the
gold-rush fever has slackened. There is still a sizeable
contingent of gold miners, however, and they all use mercury.
It is now realized that much of the mercury
in Amazonian fish and in the humans who eat them comes from
the ancient soils in the region rather than from gold mining.
The limiting step is conversion of elemental mercury into the
poisonous methyl form. This occurs in black-water rivers due
to characteristics of their water chemistry. Perhaps
more importantly, it occurs at the bottom of hydroelectric
reservoirs. The water at the bottom of these reservoirs is
devoid of oxygen, and soft, green vegetation that decomposes
there – from weeds that grow in the draw down zones of the
reservoirs – is converted to methane rather than carbon
dioxide. The reaction for methylation of mercury is very
similar, and takes place under the same anoxic conditions. The
slow deposition of mercury from volcanic eruptions and other
natural sources over millions of years has built up enough
mercury in the ancient soils of Amazonia to provide plenty of
raw material for this reaction. The concentration of mercury
in the hair of fishermen around the Tucuruí reservoir exceeds
even that of goldminers in the Tapajós River, and the level in
the main commercial fish species in the region, the Tucunaré,
is triple the level considered safe for human consumption by
the World Health Organization.
Mercury poisoning is as problem that is easy
for people to downplay because it takes so long to develop.
Mercury accumulates slowly in the human body throughout life;
it can cause Minamata disease when it reaches a critical
level, and it can cause deformities in an unborn fetus at much
lower concentrations. In the case of the famous mercury
tragedy in Minamata, Japan that gave the name to Minamata
disease, the first case of the disease was only observed 24
years after a factory began dumping mercury into the Minamata
Bay. In Amazonia people are eating fish and not feeling any
ill effects, but this does not mean that mercury is not
building up in their bodies. Considering Brazil’s
ambitious plans for hydroelectric dam construction in
Amazonia, mercury is a time bomb for the future.
IB: What is the biggest threat to
the Amazon today, and where does it come from exactly? Is
deforestation to create pastures and farmland a consequence of
poverty, or are there bigger players and broader objectives at
Dr. Fearnside: Deforestation is the
sum of many threats. Big players account for most of the area
cleared each year—a very important fact in that it makes a
substantial reduction in deforestation possible without either
causing suffering among those who clear for subsistence or
requiring the heavy government expenditures that would be
necessary to provide alternative livelihoods for a large
number of small farmers. In addition to deforestation being
divided between large and small actors, it is also divided
into two distinct processes: the eating-away at remaining
forest in the “arc of deforestation” where already-deforested
area is concentrated along the eastern and southern edges of
the forest, and the establishment of new ‘hot spots’ of
deforestation in places where the forest is still intact. A
key factor in the proliferation of new deforestation foci is
the building of infrastructure, such as the highway paving
projects that are prominent in the Brazilian government’s
2004-2007 Pluriannual Plan. The explosion of deforestation in
2002 in Novo Progresso, on the BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá)
Highway in the state of Pará, is a painful example. Migration
of sawmills and land buyers to Novo Progresso is occurring in
anticipation of the highway being paved under the Pluriannual
IB: How much of a problem is
Brazil’s Landless Peasants Movement, the MST, which went quiet
during last year’s election campaign but has again stepped up
its activities – which include often violent and destructive
land invasions to pressure the government for land reform.
Many in the movement see the rainforest as “fair game”…
Dr. Fearnside: The MST and other
landless peasant movements provide plenty to worry about. In
practice, when landless peasants get land, they clear forest
to plant - not degraded pasture, even if they have degraded
pastures in their plots. The government cannot allow decisions
on what land to settle to be made, in practice, by invading
groups of organized peasants. In addition to a hard line on
unauthorized invasions of forest, the government must also
address the social inequalities that drive landless migrants
to leave other parts of Brazil for Amazonian frontiers. While
landless peasants and small farmers have a real impact on the
forest, and it is politically tempting to blame them for the
environmental impact of deforestation in general, it should
not be forgotten that most of the clearing each year is done
by medium and large operators.
IB: Are you a believer in the
possibility of sustainable development in the Amazon? Some
would even question the feasibility of the expression
Dr. Fearnside: Everyone is in favor
of “sustainable development”, even including the most
rapacious destroyers of Amazonia. The key question is not
whether you believe in “sustainable development,” but rather
what you think “sustainable development” is. “Development for
whom?” is always the first question to be answered. For
me, an activity for the benefit of somewhere else, say,
hydroelectric dams to provide cheap aluminum to Japan with
minimal employment generation in Brazil, is not “development.”
Of course, converting the Amazon forest to large ranches for a
miniscule elite of Brazilian investors is also not
“development.” I believe the current rural population of
Amazonia could be supported “sustainably” at a reasonable
standard of living. While renewable natural resources can play
a role in sustaining this population, the most important
option is tapping the value of the environmental services of
standing forest. It is an important caveat that Amazonia
cannot be expected to solve the economic problems of other
parts of Brazil, pay the country’s foreign debt, and so
IB: You wrote a book in the 1980s
about the “human carrying capacity” of the Amazon Rainforest,
or the extent to which the region can support human
settlement. The current federal government in Brazil
apparently believes in accelerating development and
introducing a much larger population into the Amazon region.
Is this a viable proposition?
Dr. Fearnside: No. They should read
the book! (Human Carrying Capacity of the Brazilian
Rainforest, Columbia University Press, 1986).
IB: To what extent is it possible
to look to the Amazon to try and solve Brazil’s social
problems? Is this a reasonable proposition, or would it simply
accelerate the demise of the rainforest?
Dr. Fearnside: Basically, it would
simply accelerate the demise of the rainforest.
IB: What consequences might we
expect from the flurry of new development being encouraged by
the Brazilian government? More than 80 infrastructure projects
for the region are being pushed forward, including new
hydroelectric dams, gas pipelines… even the paving of the
Transamazon highway is being contemplated…
Dr. Fearnside: The flurry of new
projects, announced under the 2004-2007 Pluriannual Plan
(successor to the previous administration’s “Avança Brasil”
plan) would have severe consequences for the forest.
Many of the projects would open up new areas to entry of
migrants, sawmills and ranchers. The BR-319 (Porto
Velho-Manaus) Highway would open the floodgates to migration
from Rondônia into the central Amazon, and north to Roraima.
The Urucú-Porto Velho gas pipeline would also provide a
potential migration route for population from Rondônia, a
state that is infamous for its rampant deforestation and large
contingents of migrants and small farmers in search of
land. The BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá) Highway would
accelerate logging and deforestation for ranching and
soybeans, and threatens to rupture a barrier of reserves,
allowing clearing to expand eastward into the “Terra do Meio”
(Middle Earth) area. The Belo Monte Dam, which is at the top
of the list for hydroelectric development, would almost
certainly lead to construction of others of the six dams
planned in the Xingu/Iriri River basin. While Belo Monte
itself has a small reservoir, this very fact makes the
upstream dams more attractive in order to store water for the
11,000 megawatt installed capacity at Belo Monte. The next dam
on the list is the Altamira (formerly Babaquara) Dam, which
would flood 6000 square kilometers - twice the area of the
notorious Balbina Dam - all of which is indigenous land and
tropical forest. Paving the Transamazon Highway has more
social justification than other projects in the Pluriannual
Plan. This area already has an established population of
farmers, rather than opening up a new area of forest.
IB: Just last month, activists
from the environmental group Greenpeace were surrounded and
threatened by workers, who complain that illegal logging is
being exposed. News reports said landowners who control radio
stations in the region encouraged the workers to protest. To
what extent is the Amazon “problem” higher up the ladder, and
not just a matter of subsistence for the displaced and
Dr. Fearnside: “Large fish” are
definitely involved. Workers are easily convinced that
environmentalists threaten their jobs. However, the idea that
predatory logging maintains employment is illusory. The
sawmills invariably close and move elsewhere when the
profitable trees are gone. It would be better to face this now
while there is still a forest, and work on developing
alternative livelihoods now.
IB: There is an attempt under way
by a Japanese company to register the name of a plant found in
the Amazon, in order to make commercial use of its active
ingredient. This is being fought by the Brazilian government.
Is there any significant work being done in Brazil not just to
prevent this from happening, but also to catalog medicinal and
other capabilities of Amazon plant life and profit from
Dr. Fearnside: Some work is being
done, including at INPA, but this is minimal compared to the
scale of the challenge. The CBA – Center for Biotechnology of
Amazonia, in Manaus, is still basically just an empty
building. There is some bioprospecting work under way as a
part of the FAPESP Biota Program, but this is restricted to
Atlantic Forest and cerrado in the state of São Paulo, not
Amazonia. There is also some work in Rio de Janeiro by
the disciples of Otto Gottlieb. An organized effort in
Amazonia, such as the planned PROBEM program, has yet to take
IB: Occasionally there are media
reports of people caught attempting to smuggle animals from
the Amazon to various parts of the world – some are sold as
pets, others are taken for research. Again, is this not an
area that Brazil itself could exploit in orderly fashion,
instead of allowing the current “free for all” situation that
sees literally thousands of animals smuggled out of the
rainforest every year?
Dr. Fearnside: Restraints are needed.
There also have to be provisions to assure that the effort to
stop bio-pirates does not cripple research. Unfortunately,
this kind of provision has yet to be made a priority.
IB: What role do you see for other
countries, considering that whenever anything of greater
substance is said about the Amazon elsewhere in the world –
particularly in the United States – many voices in Brazil rise
up as if an invasion is about to take place?
Dr. Fearnside: People in other
countries commenting about Amazonia need to be aware of the
view from Brazil and not say stupid things that could be
misinterpreted. At the same time, they should not hold back
when there are things that need to be said. Both inside
and outside of Brazil, people concerned about Amazonia should
give support, not just criticism.
IB: Is there anything that
concerned citizens around the world could do, or ought to be
doing in your view, to help ensure the Amazon is there in
years to come?
Dr. Fearnside: People can help in
many ways. Some dedicate their entire careers to Amazonia,
while others contribute indirectly, for example by giving
money to environmental NGOs active in the region. Consumer
behavior, for example in purchasing only certified wood
products, also has an influence. It is also important for
citizens to become informed and participate in efforts to
influence their own government’s actions in Amazonia.
Individuals and NGOs can also influence how multinational
corporations and multilateral development banks operate in the
Another important area is in people working
to improve the domestic environmental records of their own
countries. The United States is particularly important in this
regard, and should set an example. The refusal by the U.S. to
ratify the Kyoto Protocol represents a slap in the face to the
entire World. In addition to the importance of U.S.
participation to any global climate mitigation effort, because
of the place of the U.S. as the World’s largest single emitter
of greenhouse gases, the U.S. refusal to ratify the Protocol
greatly detracts from the influence of both the U.S.
government and U.S. citizens in general in trying to reduce
emissions elsewhere, including in Amazonia. The U.S. also
needs to face the need to halt logging of “old growth” forests
in the Pacific Northwest, not only to save the remaining
vestiges of those forests but also because the U.S. can hardly
expect to have much influence in convincing other countries to
maintain virgin forests while continuing to destroy its own.
Even though “the pot can’t call the kettle black” represents a
logical fallacy (argumentum ad hominem), in practice the
environmental record of the United States significantly
reduces its influence in the World.
IB: If you had it to decide, what
would be the most urgent and vital measures that should be
enacted immediately by Brazil to ensure that there is an
Amazon rainforest to speak of in the future?
Dr. Fearnside: I would divide the
measures into five:
1) Rethink infrastructure projects such as
the BR-319 Highway, the Urucú-Porto Velho gas pipeline, the
BR-163 Highway and the Belo Monte Dam.
2) Enforce environmental legislation,
including implantation of a geo-referenced registration of
properties and a satellite-based monitoring system. This must
include full information gathering, data management and
inspection capabilities at the federal level for the whole
Amazon region, in addition to any state-level efforts.
3) Create and strengthen protected areas and
reserves, including negotiations with indigenous peoples to
assure maintenance of intact natural forest in exchange for
alternative sources of support.
4) Remove forces underlying deforestation,
including various remaining forms of subsidies, migration from
other parts of Brazil (especially Maranhão state) driven by
extreme concentration of land holdings, supply much of the
wood demand in São Paulo and other cities from
plantation-grown sawn wood, and repress illegal sources of
money – drugs, corruption and tax evasion – that is laundered
through Amazonian ranches.
5) Create institutional structure to
compensate environmental services such as biodiversity
maintenance, water cycling and carbon storage.
Internationally, Brazil should work to get carbon credit for
avoided deforestation under the Kyoto Protocol.
IB: What is your impression of the
tougher protection enacted last month by Brazil's Congress for
the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), after an eleven-year
battle in the legislature? Anything about that move that might
prove useful for the Amazon?
Dr. Fearnside: This was good news.
One may hope that it is a sign of increased influence of the
Environment Ministry. Most news in the preceding weeks had
been bad, with the Environment Ministry ceding ground in a
series of struggles with other ministries.
Related sites:
INPA – National Institute for Research in
the Amazon (Portuguese only)
IPCC – the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
Hadley Centre of
the U.K. Meteorological Office
MST – Landless
Peasants Movement
Brazil (Portuguese only)
CBA – Center for
Biotechnology of Amazonia (Portuguese only)
More about
Professor Otto Richard Gottlieb
Environment Ministry (Portuguese only)